
My creations' track record

How I can't forget my "creations"... the stories, games that once had "stolen" my time (in the good way of saying it), of course I can´t remember some of them, however, I still have in my hard disk the most interesting and great creations I could conceived. Stories about life in a created planet of the solar system called ATCO, soccer teams and more than eight leagues with an average of 18 teams´ names each one, four (or maybe more) board games and more comprise my favorite and great creations I "invented" for entertainment or just to spend some time.

The story of ATCO, the name I gave to a planet of the universe I created was due to a collection of toys my brother liked to buy called exactly ATCO, but the real reason of the name was that those toys are pieces that we have to join to form the picture showed in the box; well these are mainly "spatial" characters and several parts of a city. The story was short, but I haven´t finished writing it. Now, perhaps the most durable and most creative thing was the names for soccer teams, my national team called "Explosive Team", the best soccer team of the world. I created from names assigned to each soccer team (around 150 names) to the members of my team, and even I depicted some graphics of the field to draw a real soccer match. It was really an honestly one of my favorite "jobs" I ever done during my leisure time. Also, I created up to four teams with all their member´s names in the game Winning Eleven of the video game Play Station. Nowadays, I sometimes enroll in this creation... Board games, family board games, by its account, were my most elaborated works; I spend many hours "researching" through my brain to find out the ideal combinations for a board game. My favorite games were the ones that needs to plan strategies and diverse tactics to play, and as a fact, these are my prefered kind of games. Some of my games were not so "effective" because sometimes something made the game seen as if it needed other "ingredients"; even though I loved them, and I really enjoyed them...

Well, these are some of my great creations...I hope I could design a super great family board; and then show it to my family, friends and start playing it... something from my creation... I would never forget it...


y siempre hay una primera vez...

Ahora que empiezo a llenar este espacio con palabras que resultan de un proceso mental en mi cerebro (hehe), se me viene al mismo tiempo una nostalgia hacia mis tiempos de adolescencia (si es que al término "adolescencia" nos referimos a los chicos en que sus edades fluctúan entre los 12 a 17 años, porque mi época en que empezé a "crear" algo más que simples "imaginaciones" fue entre los 14 a 17 años) porque cada vez que menciono, es más cada vez que pienso, algo sobre "crear", "idear", mi mente se siente invadida por mis memorias de chico (época de adolescencia, principalmente) de cuando pasaba mi tiempo libre haciendo "cualquier cosa", y digo "cualquier cosa" porque efectivamente "cualquier" cosa se me ocurría, así como también que por el momento no se me ocurre un sinónimo que refleje el mismo significado de este contexto, cosas que quizás me quitaban tiempo o que simplemente no me servían para nada, sin embargo, yo siento (ahora) que al contrario, aunque sean cosas sin sentido lo que creaba, siempre me ayudaban a desarrollar mi habilidad mental y a poder pasar el tiempo en algo que me gustara. Estas palabras que escribo desde la primera letra de este blog, tienen un objetivo...el cual es de conocer mas acerca de lo que es exactamente un "blog" y a desarrollar más mi habilidad linguística, y claro cómo no! continuar con mi hobby de crear cosas... de poder llegar a crear algo más interesante de lo que alguna vez lo empezé durante mi adolescencia (que ya me referí entre qué edades)...



I'm Cesar. I'm living two decades. I created this blog because I felt that I will love it, love my own ideas, own creation, own whatever comes up from my mind...and heart. I considerer myself as someone with this feature; I like creating things, any kind of things... since I was a child, yet I felt that all this "imagination" has started to fly through the unlimited space... I am loosing my capacity of creation, of brainstorming (I used to create or imagine any kind of things, as said, but now it costs me). This is one reason that I decided to register and to create my own blog... I hope I could make up that "imagination" once I had... I yearn for those times when I spent my leisure time on sitting in a sofa or in a chair or even on the floor creating something, from a single brief no-sense story to a web page or a family board game... how I could not remember... all my grammar mistakes I made while writing in my website before saving the information; well now I smile about it, fortunately now the history is not the same (smiling), of course I cannot write as a linguistic or a journalist, but what I want to is to continue thinking and creating...