

En este blog, donde está sujeto a que escriba de todo, no podía faltar una entrada escrita en la lengua china, la sangre de mi familia. Yo no nací en China, pero la quiero tanto como quiero a mi Perú. Soy Tusán (hijo de chinos nacidos fuera del territorio chino) y como tal, no sé si sea una dicha, pero sí la suerte de "vivir" entre dos culturas totalmente distintas, como lo son la occidental y la china. Cada día aprendo un poco más de este ambiente intercultural, habito en el país donde nací, mis amigos y mis grandes amigos en su totalidad son gente de aquí, vivo la cultura peruana, pero al llegar a casa, a mi hogar, me siento como un chino puro, donde está decorada con ornamentos chinos, con elementos típicos chinos, pero con un ambiente también local. Con mis papás me comunico en chino cantonés (por familia, pero como no lo estudié no pronuncio tan bien, pero lo entiendo), a veces cuando se me dificulta decir algo, hablo "chiñol" (chino con español, no sé si exista ese nombre, pero había empezado a acuñarlo :P), y hasta hay palabras en las que prefiero decirlas en español justamente porque me parecen más "accesibles" y fáciles de decir. Actualmente estudio el "Hán yu" (chino mandarín), desde hace un año y por ende, empecé a estudiar la caligrafía china, una de las grandes artes chinas. Es por ello que quisiera presentar un post dedicado al chino. Un post simple, escrito con caracteres básicos, con los que se empiezan a aprender, pero con mucho sentimiento. Asimismo, adjunto su respectiva equivalencia en inglés (oraciones cortas). Nota: debido a que soy un estudiante del idioma, no garantizo una perfecta redacción, pero sí haberla revisado :)







English translation:

Welcome everybody!

My name is Ming Li. I am a student. Actually I am twenty one years old. According to the Chinese zodiac, my sign is the serpent. I am Peruvian. I speak Spanish. In the University I study translation. There, I study English, French and Chinese mandarin. I have French, English and Chinese teachers. All of them are good teachers. I like soccer, table tennis and volleyball. I would like to teach English. I love Peruvian, Chinese and Italian cuisine.

I live with my family in Lima. I have a brother. He is also a university student, but he does not study translation. He is also Peruvian, but my dad and mom are Chinese. They were born in Guangdong. My mom´s oldest and second brothers also live in Peru. I also have relatives in Canada, United States, China, Hong Kong. We have a dog. Its name is Rocky. It is a big dog. In the present, it has four years old.

There are many grocery stores, schools and parks near my house. There is also a cinema. There is a school in the right part and also a big grocery store. At the back there is a supermarket and an English institute.

The brand of my cell phone is LG. Its color is red and white..

Thank you, goodbye!


I walk alone Part II

"A little bit later I wouldn´t see anything that surrounds the road", I said. Also, I don´t know if the road is all straight or if there were two other roads somewhere that I would need to choose where to go, as in a labyrinth. I hoped no. I started walking again. Now, as I got further, the lyrics of the songs were faden away until I couldn´t hear more of the children voices. My cell phone rang, that was the message ring tone, not the calling one. I prayed that it wasn´t an advertising message. When I unlocked my phone, it showed: "Get the last Black Eyed Peas´ hit just by visiting the following website www....". I felt a little bit upset because I hoped that someone wanted to know where I was. Also, I realized I couldn´t use my phone neither for calling nor for sending sms. I was getting desperate that I threw the mobile so angrily that it broke. I stopped for many minutes standing, not knowing what to do: if continue the way on or to give up and move to either side of the road. I decided to remain on it, but now I was sitting on the road, taking perhaps one of the most difficult decisions in my whole life. After approximately 7 minutes I stood up and continued going forward, thought this time I kept a slower pace. The sky, for some reason, was getting clearer, "the darkness is dissapearing!!" I yelled. And since then my emotions were getting better. I was trying to imagine it could have been a dream, but it was a reality!, I need to keep walking to find an exit, for me, to find the light, the hope. Suddenly, the brightness stopped, but the darkness haven´t been cleared up, it is still dark, but much less than the very beginning. I took a deep breathe and continue my way on through this interminable road. As I covered more distance, I don´t know why, but I started to feel that my self-esteem and confidence were invading my veins. I felt as if all the positive energy were invading myself. In that moment, I started to see a sign in the very far of the road: a light. I began to run. My heart was feeling all the optimism and hope that I needed for all that moment since I appeared on the road. After running almost 20 minutes, I realized that the sign I saw at the beginning was changing to a bigger yellowed-whited-circle: "It´s a light! The exit!" I shouted. Finally, I reached the final point of the road. It shines intensily, all the darkness covering the road dissapeared, I saw when I took a look back.

Message: Perhaps this is a strange story, but what I wanted to tell is that everyone can have problems throughout their lives. We shouldn´t give up at any circumstances. To face this world, be optimistic, trusthworthy, hopeful and, the most important, trust yourself.


I walk alone Part I

I walk alone. I walk alone through this interminable road where I can see many children singing over the hills that surrounds the path. I don´t get the meanings of their lyrics, but I don´t mind, I just keep my way on and continue walking forward. However, I need to confess that I wanted to stop and approach them, but I decided not to do it. I don´t know why I didn´t stop. The thing is that I continued walking through that interminable road. It seems like it doesn´t have an exit. The darkness is in front of me. I couldn´t see anything. Though, I didn´t wanted to stop. In that moment I realized that I have covered almost 800 meters of the path and I still could hear the children singing, with the same volume as I heard the first time, but now I have moved further away! I can´t understand this strange situation, yet I kept walking. Suddenly, I turned my head to the left and I saw a very strange animal that got me frightened. I called for someone who could help me, but nobody was there, just me and the young singers (I assume we were the only alive in that moment). I stop for a moment and started to look the animal, it also looked at me. I thought that it wanted to devour me, its kind-of-barking-sound frightened me more and more. After 24 seconds I turned my head back and continued walking. Fortunately, the animal didn´t come to me, but when I looked back, it was still keeping its eyes on me. So, I prefered to walk a little bit faster and certainly, I tried not to see the creature. After covered 200 meters more, I had my look back to the animal, but I couldn´t see it. I felt relieved. Thus, I continued my way on. The darkness was, as time went by, more black and seemed to cover all the road soon...


Traductor: Cultura sin números... ¿cultura?

Dicen que un traductor debe ser culto. Los mismos estudiantes de traducción lo sabemos. Pero, ¿a qué se refieren con "ser culto"? Personalmente, entiendo por "ser culto" a una persona que tiene conocimientos elementales sino de expertos de todo tipo de temas, desde la literatura latinoamericana hasta resolver una simple operación aritmética. Pero es precisamente en este punto donde los mismos estudiantes manifiestan que no es necesario que sepamos eso, la típica frase "estudio letras, no números". Es decir, para muchos, la "cultura" de un traductor solamente se limita hasta el universo de las letras y no debe trangredir sus fronteras, no existe el mundo de los números para nosotros. Con esta premisa, me pregunto, ¿realmente esto es ser culto? No digo que no, pero un traductor no debe simplemente pensar en que vive solamente en el mundo de las letras. Cuando alguien le pregunte por una simple operación de matemática, por ejemplo, el traductor le responda "asu, soy traductor, estudio letras". ¿Es eso acaso una respuesta de alguien realmente culto? Pienso que para algunos sí y para otros no. Antes de empezar a estudiar la carrera de traducción tenía en la cabeza que un curso de matemática debía llevar, por lo menos uno. Cuando ingresé a la universidad, me di con la sorpresa de que no había matemática. Debo admitirlo. Sentía cómo un peso se me quitaba de encima, sin embargo, no me sentía conforme en absoluto. Me preguntaba ¿Cómo un estudiante universitario no va a llevar ni si quiera un curso de matemática? Es aburdo, sinceramente. Con esto no tengo la intención de darme ínfulas de un sabio en la materia, al contrario, no me considero alguien listo ni rápido en números, lo único que quiero señalar es mi desazón que sentía, como si pareciera que para la facultad de traducción, una formación de todo traductor debe centrarse 100% en las letras y ni un 1% en números. ¿Acaso es un estudiante universitario aquel que no ha recibido un curso de matemática? Entonces, ¿cómo se espera que nosotros como estudiantes salgamos al mercado laboral sin conocer las operaciones fundamentales de las matemáticas? (Más allá de que lo hayamos estudiado en el "cole").